Tummy Tuck St. Louis

The Tummy Tuck procedure is performed to improve the appearance of the mid-section. This area is one that many people struggle with for a variety of reasons. Pregnancy is one major factor that causes women to seek out the Tummy Tuck, or abdominoplasty procedure. Pregnancy can cause excess, sagging skin and can stretch out the abdominal muscles. Weight fluctuations or weight loss in both men and women may also leave excess, sagging skin in the abdomen. For some people, the mid-section is just an area they always struggle with and no matter how clean their diet or how rigorous their workouts, they just can’t achieve the results they desire.
The Tummy Tuck is performed through an incision that runs along the lower portion of the abdomen from hip to hip. Sometimes the Tummy Tuck is performed in combination with other body contouring procedures such as liposuction. If you are interested in learning more about this procedure, and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.