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    Latisse in St. Louis

    Conveniently located to serve St. Louis

    When considering Latisse, St. Louis patients should know the benefits of the treatment. Latisse is the only FDA approved product of its kind, and is guaranteed to improve the look and length of lashes if applied correctly.

    INTRODUCING the new 5mL bottle of Latisse for only $179! Each bottle has 67% more product than smaller 3mL bottle.

    Latisse Procedure Information

    Latisse is a daily application product that is intended to grow and enhance the appearance of eyelashes within a 16-week time period. Latisse St. Louis patients can expect to see results within a four weeks, achieving maximum growth and fullness around the sixteenth week of use. However, these results are maintained by continual treatments and will diminish once treatment is stopped or skipped. When patients discontinue the use of Latisse, eyelashes will eventually revert back to their original appearance.

    Before & After Latisse Photos
    Before & After Latisse Photos

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    Latisse’s powerful main ingredient is bimatoprost ophthalmic solution, a fatty acid that’s main purpose is to thicken and grow hair follicles. It should be applied like eyeliner to the upper lid only. It is a once-a-day application process, with a sterile applicator that can be thrown away after each use. A few side effects have been reported throughout clinical trials, all of which are mild. Latisse users may experience itchy eyes and redness, which is most likely due to a bad application of the product. These side effects usually subside with more applications over time.

    All Latisse St. Louis patients should be referred by a doctor, whether it is by a general practitioner or optometrist. Doctors can determine whether or not Latisse is a fitting option. Latisse can give weak, brittle lashes the chance to transform into long, luxurious ones.