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    Skin Pen Conveniently located to serve St. Louis

    SkinPen Microneedling is collagen introduction therapy which creates thousands of micro injuries in the skin to trigger the body’s natural wound healing process. Microneedling helps to treat fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores and uneven texture. A series of three treatments are recommended one month apart. Treatment is not recommended if pregnant.

    Prior to Treatment

    • Discontinue use of all topical retinoids and tretinoin products such as RetinA, Renova, Differin, Tazorac and Refissa for 3-4 days
    • Discontinue the use of alpha hydroxyl acids, beta hydroxyl acids, benzoyl peroxide, retinols and other potentially irritating products for 3-4 days

    Side Effects

    Skin will appear pink to red immediately post-procedure for about 24 hours, similar to a mild to moderate sunburn


    A SkinPen treatment is great for patients who want softer, smoother, younger-looking skin without having to undergo a surgical procedure or put up with long downtimes/recoveries. Patients must be in good health and should also have realistic expectations.

    Heavy drinkers or smokers are advised to reduce or quit the habit before the treatment to fully enjoy its benefits. Patients who have fresh wounds on their faces are advised to wait for the injuries to fully heal before applying for a SkinPen treatment.


    Scheduling a consultation will help patients better understand what a SkinPen treatment can do for them. They will be asked questions regarding their health and their expectations. This is also a chance for patients to ask questions or get clarifications regarding the procedure.


    A SkinPen treatment can be done quickly, and a session can even be scheduled during the patient’s lunch break. The thousands of sterilized microneedles will be applied to the target areas as needed. Once the procedure is done, the affected areas will be cleaned.

    Post Treatment

    Do not apply makeup or wash the treated areas for at least 12 hours  You will be provided with a clean non-cytotoxic hydrogel to support healing  No direct sun for 24 hours


    $375 per treatment or $1000 for a package of 3 treatments


    Patients can learn more about SkinPen treatments by contacting us to schedule a consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.
