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    Archive for July, 2017

    Breast Implant St. Louis

    Breast implants

    Breast Implant have become the most popular plastic surgery procedure performed in the United States. The breast augmentation procedure is performed under either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The breast augmentation incision may be made either around the areola (periareolar incision), in the bottom crease of the breast (inframammary incision), or in the armpit (transaxillary […]

    Blepharoplasty St. Louis


    Blepharoplasty, or Eyelid Lift surgery, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that has helped many men and women of various ages achieve a more youthful appearance. The skin around the eyes is notoriously delicate and prone to creases, wrinkles, puffiness and sagging. As we get older, many of us notice one of the first areas that […]

    Breast Reduction St. Louis

    Breast Reduction model

    Breast Reduction is a procedure that has helped many women achieve lighter, smaller breasts and reduce the pain often associated with overly large breasts. Women with breasts that are disproportionately large often deal with pain on a daily basis in the neck, shoulders and back—there can be painful indentations and grooves left from bras and […]
